Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Don't be afraid

Back when we were considering starting a children's shop I made trips to all the local stores to see what they did, how they did it, and to of course buy items for my 3 cuties. One of the shops was called Button Bottoms. The whole family went. The owner was there with her son and daughter and all of our kids played like they were old friends.

I only went that one time. They are pretty far from our home and we have been pretty busy building Ollie's Treehouse. Then last week Mom received a call. It was Button Bottoms saying that they decided to close and if we were interested in buying items. So I went out to meet with the owner. She is just the sweetest. We talked forever! And it was so great because she knew EXACTLY what I was going through and how I was feeling. Only she had the wisdom of time on her side and she was able to give wonderful advice.

And I wonder why I did not talk to her sooner. Our shops are on opposite sides of town. And even if we were closer maybe we could have helped each other? Maybe we could have put both our ideas together to make even better stores. I should have stopped in a long time ago.

I guess it just goes to show that you should never be afraid to stop in and say "hi" to local business and even other local stores. Worst that can happen is they say they are not interested. And you shouldn't be afraid to stop in our store and say hi!

No matter who you are or where you are from you are always welcome at Ollie's Treehouse!

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