Monday, March 17, 2008

There was a line!!

I just had to write about our Saturday. It was great! We had a line! It was our best day since our Grand Opening. My Mom had to get home to get ready for my brother PJ, his wife Kelly, and sweet little Oliver to visit. And when she left there were people waiting in line!! She couldn't believe it! I also had the pleasure of telling her we had another line at the end of the day.

People are starting to return to our store and it is such a pleasure. Mom and I have worked so hard over the past 3 months. We took a huge leap of faith. We love our store, but to have people come in and love it as much as we's just reassuring that we are following a path we are meant to be on.

PJ arrives tomorrow. We can't wait for him to see the store! He and Kelly have been such HUGE supporters and we can't wait to share all of this with them.

So it's another great start to a great week at the Treehouse.

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