Friday, June 13, 2008

So Very Thankful

June 12th was a great day. I had fun with the kids as we prepared for Father's Day. We are making the TShirt with handprints (his last one has 2 handprints and we have 3 kids!! Time for a new TShirt for Daddy!) Then in the afternoon we headed to the Treehouse. When we arrived we had visitors in our store, a Mom and 2 young boys.

I said hi to the boys and asked their names. The older boys said "Aiden". WOW!! I said "that's Aidan too!!" pointing to my daughter. Then we realized they were both 6 years old!! It's quite amazing. I thought I picked such unique names. Then I asked what school Aiden goes to. Mom said he was homeschooled. "Cool!" I said. I wish I had the patience to homeschool! Then she explained that he was homeschooled because he has health issues that make going to a school full of children difficult.

At 8 months of age Aiden had a liver transplant. In his short 6 years of life Aiden has been through the health wringer. You wouldn't know it looking at them all! Mom had a big smile, Aiden was a beautiful boy full of lots of energy and little brother Mason was the cutest 2 year old.

As the kids played I had the pleasure of talking with Mom. She told me how blessed she was! With all the hospital trips (usually to different states!), with all the stress, with all the worry she felt blessed. Aiden is here.

Our conversation reminded me how I sometimes take it all for granted. When Jonah isn't focusing. When Madison unrolls the new roll of toilet paper. When Aidan wakes us up at 1am because of the bug in her room. It's easy to get so frustrated. But in the end we forget what kind of miracle it took for them to be created. The miracle of the birth of every child. And the miracles it takes for them to be alive every day.

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